Delicate tones of Tentsmuir dune system


56.9598, -4.2455

From dusty dunes to colourful heathland, Tentsmuir National Nature Reserve exhibits a never-ending rainbow of natural wonders. Walking from the edge of the North Sea inland towards the forest offers the unique opportunity to experience a vast dune system.

Shifting sands make for a constantly evolving landscape, inviting seals out of the water and coaxing birds to search for food on the mudflats. The hidden gem of Morton Lochs is a birder’s paradise, with four wildlife watching hides; the Fullerton hide being the prime spot with limited access.

From nature to nurture, a trip to the Victoria & Albert waterfront museum in Dundee is food for the soul. Designed by Japanese minimalist architect Kengo Kuma, the building is hailed as a ‘conversation between nature and artefact’.

© Cameron Prentice






This distinctly pastel scheme works well when all tones are used with a similar chroma gradient. We recommend using this in elements of interior design, such as upholstery or linen coordination.

A very contemporary Scandinavian-like colour theme, bringing about a sense of movement and freedom from the warm beige tones. Reflected lightness on the dark tones can bring about a sense of stillness and calm.

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