Pale northern sky of Monadhliath


56.838092, -4.255149

Desolate and hauntingly beautiful, the snow-capped grey peaks of the Monadhliath Mountains mark a meeting point between Inverness, Badenoch and Strathspey. With no roads reaching the centre of the mountains, the only way to visit this ancient, remote landscape is on foot.

Streams and rivers meander through the deep-sided glens and ice-smoothed flanks formed over 400 million years ago. Listen to the whistle of eagles and the calls of wild cats’ calls and, at the summit, take in the vista of the Cairngorms mountain range with River Spey to the south and the mysterious Loch Ness that lies to the north.

© Cameron Prentice






Feelings of spaciousness have been accentuated by the flat composition of the Monadhliath mountain colourscape; the pale northern sky coats the neutral tones with a serene blue. This combination could serve a brand that values cleanliness and reliability, such as a launderette or linen provider.

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